Canberra's most comprehensive Skin Cancer Clinic.

(02) 6282 1123


360uv Skin Cancer Clinic is the most comprehensive and professionally supported skin cancer unit in Canberra offering a full range of skin cancer treatments and skin checks.

Managed by Dr Taylor and supported by a team of well known and respected Specialists and GPs, 360uv offers patients a streamlined and efficient system to address identified skin cancers.

The qualified GP’s utilise specific technology in their skin cancer checks, including clinical photography, and provide diagnosis, referral and/or management of lesions, arranging either non-invasive management of the lesion or surgical excision.

360uv also provides the most effective option of skin cancer monitoring and skin checks available in Canberra.

We are located at 7 Phipps Close Deakin ACT.  Appointments can be made by calling (02) 6282 1123.

Learn More About...

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Reducing the Risks

Find out how you can minimise your risk of developing skin cancer and keep your family safe.

Intervention and Treatment Options

360uv Skin Cancer Clinic specialises in the intervention and treatment of skin cancer.